You website admin login info:
username: dfghdfhg
password: GetInNow55#$
login url:
You can change your password on this site, but don’t change my password on site (other admin, dale)
Here are links to tutorials that should help when configuring your website:
WordPress tutorial:
Astra tutorial (the theme/template your site uses):
WooCommerce Tutorial
Awesome Support (helpdesk system your site uses):
Stock Photo Options:
* On dashboard of your admin page (, you will see a prompt to set up WooCommerce. Go through these steps. If you get stuck, just quick and contact me. I’d watch some of the “Setting Up Woocommerce” tutorials above before you do it.
* For now, don’t worry about updating WordPress plugins. Also, several plugins are disabled (like LiteSpeed). Leave this disabled for now. Get site configured/looking good first, and then we will get this going.
* Also, we will get your ticket system set up soon. Maybe get familiar with it, but don’t worry about it.
* As a general rule: don’t change any settings, delete anything, etc. – unless you are really sure about what you are doing. Otherwise, do more google searches, watch more videos, etc.
* If you get stuck on anything, try to get your answers by google searches, watching videos, etc. If still no luck, reach out to me (through ticket on this site) for help.
* Also let me know if you find a new plugin you need (we will install it for you just in case it breaks anything)
* We will keep an eye on technical part of site (plugin updates, security, etc), so don’t worry about that for now.